This is Version 2 of a “next steps” discussion document I’ve been circulating on Facebook the past couple days. It’s also posted on my blog – Prorogued which I established in 2008.

At the root of the problem of executive abuse, prorogation being just the latest example, is our undemocratic and dysfunctional electoral system which allows the minority to have wield unaccountable power. Without making the links to our electoral system, we do voters a disservice by leaving the impression that we already have a democratic Parliament and that all they need to do is get back to business as usual. We let the parties off the hook on the big issue to bicker, tinker and distract voters. 

Harper and company are fond of lecturing people about “consequences”. However, they feel that they can act with impunity in abusing their authority in Ottawa. CAPP, or a new campaign, is in a position to exact consequences, go beyond protesting and point the way to reforming our electoral system so that all Canadians have an equal and effective vote and Canada can finally become a democratic country.

There is only one real-life consequence that the conservatives (or any party for that matter) understand – votes in the ballot box. We need to go beyond just protesting and punish the conservatives for their abusive actions. At the same time, we need a positive vision and realistic demands that can garner support around the country. 

1) Prorogue reform – Support Prof. Andrew Heard’s proposal to require a majority vote in the House of Commons before prorogation can be considered by the G-G.
2) Electoral reform – Support Fair Vote Canada’s challenge to party leaders to fast track changes to Canada’s voting system in order to bring representative democracy and proportional representation to Canada.
3) Electoral campaign – Should the PM refuse to take action on electoral reform as per FVC’s letter, we will commit to mobilize our base before and during the next election to defeat vulnerable, sitting Conservative MPs. 
– target one sitting conservative for each day of the prorogation – that’s 22 conservatives that we would help “fire” as the consequence for their leader’s actions
– select at least one vulnerable conservative MP per province through a scientific and democratic process. 
– support would only be given to candidates who support electoral reform.


Gary Shaul

Gary Shaul is a life-long Torontonian and retired Ontario civil servant. He's been involved with a number of issues over the past 45 years including trade unionism, proportional representation, Indigenous...