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As election day, October 19, draws nearer, the economy is on our minds. More and more Canadians are falling deeper into debt, and we can see that things are not as rosy as some of our political leaders would have us believe. Here are some resources to help you navigate the conversation around the economy. If you know of more resources, please do share them.
Recession and deficit: Unfortunately, it is now official. Canada’s economy is shrinking and we are officially in recession, as confirmed by numbers released by Statistics Canada. What does a recession mean for you? Read more from’s Fact Check blog here.
Meanwhile we hear there is no deficit… then we hear there is a $1-billion deficit. What is really happening? Find out here.
Economic record: Is the Harper government’s economic record the worst since the Second World War? Read Jim Stanford’s column about the report here, and the fact-check of the assertions in the report, published by the Globe and Mail, here.
Navigating the financial crisis — skill or luck? Harper has been touting the deregulation of banking systems since he was first elected, but he has also been taking credit for the banking sector regulation that helped to navigate the financial crisis. Dig into how the financial crisis was “managed” — start with this article and then dig further with analyses like this one from
More about the federal surplus: What are the decisions and priorities that created the ‘surplus’. Click here to dig deeper behind the surplus and to read Karl Nerenberg’s article about the surplus.
What are your priorities? The numbers from the Harper government tell a story — read more stats here. However, the well-being of our country is not just about austerity and deficits. What is important for you? Sustainability? The environment? Jobs? Innovation? Ending inequality? Civil liberties? Digital freedom? Refugee rights? Click through to read reports about the Harper government’s record for each category. Here is a positive set of strategies to build a better Canada published by the Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Misleading statements from the last debate: After the Maclean’s debate, Press Progress published a list of misleading statements made during the course of the debate. Read the list here and look out for similar statements during upcoming debates.
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