
MONTREAL – Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, former spokesperson for Quebec student group CLASSE, will be embarking on a whistle-stop national speaking tour from September 29 to October 5.

He, along with CLASSE representative Cloé Zawadzki-Turcotte and rabble.ca Quebec correspondent Ethan Cox, will be speaking in seven cities over the course of seven days, with events in London, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Victoria and Vancouver.

“The longest student strike in Canadian history ended with the resignation of two education ministers, the defeat of a sitting Premier and his government, and the repeal of both the tuition hikes and Law 12, which many have argued violated basic civil liberties,” said Cox.

“This tour is about telling the story of what happened in Quebec this year, and inspiring people across the country to stand up to austerity.”

“When people stand together for what they believe in, there is no limit to what they can accomplish,” said Nadeau-Dubois. “We hope that the historic victory of the Quebec student movement will inspire people across Canada to resist neo-liberal governments and fight for a society which puts people first.”

The tour is expected to draw large crowds in each city, and is being enthusiastically supported by student and labour unions across the country.

The full schedule can be found here.

rabble.ca is national sponsor of this tour, along with LeadNow.ca and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP). 


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