7th Generation Walk for Mother Earth – 11th Annual Event
The Deets:
Saturday April 19, 2014
5:30pm in UTC-05
St. John’s Park,
WInnipeg, Manitoba
The Call Out:
Fwd: The annual, alternative Earth Day event, founded by Indigenous women and allies to support Indigenous community led campaigns to protect the earth for future generations.
Walk starts at St. John’s Park this year with speakers on Energy East, Fracking, Grassy Narrows and more from 12:30-1:45 pm. Walk goes to the forks… starting at 2:00 pm, arriving around 3:00 pm at the Oodena Circle, for our annual water ceremony and free picnic.
Bring drums, banners, placards, cup/plate/cutlery, voice and the whole family.
We’ll be joined by the Flaming Trolleys Marching Band!
Keewatin Otchitchak Traditional Women’s Drum Group will sing and Shannon Buck will do the water ceremony .
Event is sponsored by the boreal forest network, the Winnipeg chapter of the Council of Canadians, the Winnipeg Indigenous Peoples’ Solidarity Movement, Kanikanichihk the Native Studies, University of Manitoba.
The Facebook page for the event can be found here.