The Beehive Collective presents: The True Cost of Coal
Join the Beehive Design Collective for interactive storytelling!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Toronto Women’s Bookstore
73 Harbord Street — just West of Spadina on the South side of Harbord Street
Using a giant, portable mural, “The True Cost of Coal” tells the story of mountain-top removal coal mining in Appalachia, showing it in the big picture of resource extraction and its colonial history.
From the struggles for justice in the coal fields of Appalachia, the Bees draw connections to local and global versions of the same story. Come learn more about the story of coal, and how the Beehive uses graphic narratives as tools for education and community building.
This is a pay what you can event. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Proceeds at the door will go to support the Toronto’s Women’s Bookstore, a non-profit bookstore dedicated to promoting anti-oppression and feminist politics.
Newly printed Beehive posters and educational materials will be available for sliding-scale donations.
Everyone is welcome! Please help us spread the word and pass it along to your contacts.
The bookstore and room where we will be presenting is wheelchair accessible….but the washrooms are up a flight of stairs ):