Enbridge Protest – Wedding Reception for Minister Oliver and Big Oil
The Deets:
Friday, January 27, 2012
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sutton Place Hotel
955 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
The Call Out:
This month Joe Oliver sided with Big Oil, calling those who signed up to take part in the democratic hearings in place to examine the controversial Enbridge tar sands pipeline as “foreign radicals.” In reality over 4,000 people are registered to speak, 79 per cent of which are residents of British Columbia.
This disrespect for democracy and Joe Oliver’s preferential treatment of Big Oil marked the beginning of the marriage between Joe Oliver, Enbridge, Exxon, Shell, Total, and British Petroleum (BP).
On Friday, Jan. 27, 2012, at 11:00 a.m. concerned individuals along with Greenpeace will offer Joe Oliver a marriage reception to commemorate the union of the Conservative government and Big Oil, following his talk at a business luncheon at the Sutton place Hotel.
You are invited to the reception! Come tell Joe Oliver that you oppose his marriage with Big Oil. Bring any anti-Enbridge, anti-pipeline, anti-tanker, or anti-tar sands signs, placards or banners you may have!
See you there!
Read Joe Oliver’s open letter here.
Read response from Dene Nation.
Response from Sierra Club’s John Bennet.
Response from Greenpeace’s Christine Leclerc.