On the eve of the G20 meeting in South Korea 18 leading organizations from across the country are calling on Prime Minister Harper and Minister Flaherty to follow through on their G20 promise to end tax breaks to oil and gas companies.
“Prime Minister Harper has left a trail of broken promises on this issue, the G20 meeting is an opportunity for him to finally follow through on his commitment to end tax breaks to rich oil and gas companies,” says Graham Saul of Climate Action Network Canada. “In an era of fiscal responsibility and a growing climate crisis, giving a free ride to these companies is irresponsible.”
Recent reports from Climate Action Network Canada and Greenpeace International show how the government has intentionally tried to minimize its commitment to end subsidies to fossil fuels and continues to give around $1 billion in tax breaks to oil and gas companies each year, some of the richest companies in Canada.
“Prime Minister Harper hands out more money in tax breaks to oil and gas companies every year than the entire operating budget of Environment Canada,” says Steven Guilbeault of Equiterre. “This is part of a broader recklessness that this government demonstrates in terms of dealing with climate change.”
The letter, launched today, will welcome organizational sign-on on an ongoing basis during the lead up to the 2011 federal budget. In the 2011 budget, organizations hope to see the federal government taking immediate and meaningful action to end these tax breaks.
Climate Action Network Canada is hoping to get as many organizational sign ons as possible by budget 2011. If you know an organization that wants to see and end to these tax breaks, please contact us for their sign on!
Check out our recent report: Fuelling the Problem