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Dear Friends,

Below find a letter that I sent yesterday to Patricia Best of Natural Resources Canada.

It pertains to remarks she made to Canadian Press about Sierra Club Canada, which we feel are inaccurate and derogatory.


John Bennett, Executive Director
Sierra Club Canada
[email protected]

Follow me on Twitter

Patricia Best, Director of Communications
Natural Resources Canada
21st Floor, Room C2-2
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4

Wednesday, March 21, 2012M

Re: Apology

Dear Ms. Best,

I am writing to request you withdraw and apologize for certain remarks you made in an email to the Canadian Press, Friday March 16, 2012 and reported in numerous newspapers across Canada. Referring to Sierra Club Canada’s application for a judicial review of the Muskrat Fall Hydroelectric Project environmental assessment you said:

“While these groups claim to want to reduce (greenhouse gas) emissions, it would seem they refuse to take any practical steps to achieve these goals.”

This statement is blatantly untrue. Sierra Club Canada has put forward numerous practical solutions for reducing greenhouse gases in meetings with government ministers and officials, publications and through media releases. This information is readily available and it is reasonable to expect a person in your position to have been aware of our contribution.

We will be happy to furnish evidence of the practical solutions we have offered including actions taken by the present government such as fuel economy standards for vehicles.

You also said:

“It’s unfortunate that certain radical environmental groups can’t even support hydro power”

Sierra Club Canada is also concerned that your use of the term “radical” with our judicial review has the potential to damage the reputation of our organization. A reputation built up over 50 years working for the preservation of Canada’s natural heritage. Throughout, we have never advocated breaking the law or extreme, drastic solutions; we do not practice civil disobedience. On the contrary, the contributions of our volunteers and staff have been recognized as important and significant to Canada. Elizabeth May and Vicky Husband were awarded the Order of Canada.

There is nothing radical about citizens or organizations like Sierra Club Canada asking the courts to rule on the legality of a [public or private] decision, especially one as important as Muskrat Falls. Sierra Club Canada is a strong advocate for protection of the environment through rule of law.

Therefore, we request you contact Canadian Press and provide an apology and withdraw your comments by 5pm Tuesday, March 27, 2012.


John Bennett, Executive Director
Sierra Club Canada