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Canada’s Chemical Valley completely surrounds Aamjiwnaang First Nation.
Petro-chemical companies poison the Earth.
They poison the animals.
They poison the water.
They poison the people.
New refineries and new pipelines, like Line 9, threaten to bring even more toxins.
And even more spills.
But Indigenous youth are rising up.
And urging us all to wake up.
On September 5, the annual Toxic Tour brought 500 people to Aamjiwnaang, to experience for a few hours what the community lives every day.
The police guarded the toxins.
While the march guarded the future.
The constant drone of lifeless industry was broken by hip-hop beats and chants.
Indigenous drummers led a round dance.
And 500 pairs of hands joined together.
To support Indigenous communities.
To learn from their experiences.
To see the companies driving the climate crisis.
To challenge environmental racism.
And to build solidarity.
For more information visit
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