Rubén Herrera is a member of Consejo de los Pueblos del Occidente (CPO, or Western Peoples’ Council) in Guatemala. He has been active in raising awareness about unpopular mining and dam projects, including the controversial Cambalam hydroelectric dam.
On March 15, he was apprehended and charged with kidnapping, terrorism and other offences.
On May 22, Mexico City-based Blue Planet Project organizer Claudia Campero and representatives from Red Mexicana de Afectados por la Mineria (REMA, Mexican Network of People Affected by Mining) and Movimiento Mexicano de Afectados por las Presas y en Defensa de los Rios (MAPDER, or Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers) delivered a letter to the Guatemalan embassy in Mexico demanding Herrera’s freedom. Similar actions were done around the world.
Monday morning we received news from our European friends that Rubén Herrera has been released from jail!
We celebrate with all activists and organizations that helped to free him — and we continue to express solidarity with community resistance against harmful mining and dam projects.