
Today — Toronto Meditation Flash Mob

The deets:
Friday, August 12, 2011
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Dundas Square
Yonge Street and Dundas Avenue

The call out:

This event was inspired by the numerous meditation flash mobs that have happened this past year around the world. Shouts-outs to London U.K., New York, LA, Phoenix and many other states in the U.S.

By practicing our silence in the heart of Toronto’s concrete capitalist jungle, we believe that together we can bring our intentions of peace through the merging of action and spirit. Help bring serenity to the chaotic carnival of consumerism and capital, and give thanks to each other and our Mother Earth during the full moon.

Please feel free to invite as many people as you’d like; the more people meditating together, the bigger the impact in the square.

Hope to see all your shining spirits there!


What to expect:
Be in the square by 5. A conch shell will be blown several times; use this as a time to begin sitting. Feel free to come anytime after five as well; join the meditation, leave and return, observe the crowd and enjoy the atmosphere of silence… basically have fun and enjoy!

5:30 – 5:45
Optional sound bath: You can use any mantra or sound, for example, Om, Ah, Ong, Nah or any other sound that calls you personally. If you choose to move closer to one another, donate your physical presence, your positive energy and your voice. It’s also a lot of fun and just sounds awesome to everyone around.

5:45 – end

5:45 – 6:00
Feel free to get to know people who you participated in the meditation with. Shake hands, hug, talk, or simply share some smiles and space.


What to bring:
Come with a mat or pillow to sit on, as well as an open heart and mind.
Bring your intentions for the full moon and your friends and family to share them with:)



This is an event open to everyone, all ages, from every path, experienced or not. This is a movement that our entire world is creating together as one unified force to set the momentum for the future of our planet!

“If you are a Buddhist, please come. If you are a Christian please come. If you are Jewish, Muslim, or belong to or identify with any other religions, creed or peace organization, please come. If you are white, brown, black, yellow, red or any other colour, please come.

We shall learn together that wrong perceptions of self and others are at the foundation of separation, fear, hate, and violence; and that togetherness and collaboration is possible.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh


This med mob was planned before we knew about the global events taking place from August 25-28, but we feel the synchronicity of having created this mob in August is good enough 🙂 If it goes well there’s nothing stopping us from doing it again during this time! It would be amazing if Toronto joined this global movement and it became a regular part of city life.

Check out the site above to learn more about meditation flash mobs and the cities that have been taking part of this growing meditation flash mob movement.

Thank you for all of you who will be there on Friday, for your support in this action. Thank you for all who wish to be there, your intentions and solidarity will be with us. Also many thanks to the Trafalgar med mob ( for your inspiration and references.

Many blessings to all of you
See you on Friday!



Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...