2009 has been the year of the financial and economic crisis, but amidst the news of bailouts and bankruptcies, the urgent ecological crisis risks being overshadowed. That’s why rabble.ca is putting a special focus on the environment for the whole month of April.
We will have a number of special feature articles, blog posts and photos on this green theme throughout the month, and we are looking for your input and participation. Each week, we’ll have a new poll question about environmental issues from coast to coast to coast in Canada; and, every Friday, we’ll feature your best suggestions and feedback — we’re looking both for practical measures you take to live in a sustainable way, and your ideas and analysis on the pressing ecological issues of the day.
Tommy Douglas used to rally the troops to the fight for social justice by saying, "Courage, friends, ’tis never too late to build a better world." But, alas, with the climate crisis looming, the day could soon come where it will be too late, unless dramatic and effective collective action is taken.
Although we started off the month’s environment coverage with an April spoof of the (fossil) Fools currently governing our country, we take this issue very seriously, and we hope this special coverage contributes to the ongoing efforts to build a better, greener Canada.