
Dear rabble rouser,

Quality journalism, political debate and activism on the Internet are increasing by leaps and bounds, changing the world, and rabble has been leading the way in Canada since 2001.

rabble is the country’s most popular independent online source for national news and information, and we are increasing our reach every year.  With the unfortunate decline of Canada’s newspapers supporting independent online news becomes even more important.

While the public has been getting its news filtered and censored through the corporate lens of the daily press for years, you get the rest of the story from rabble — we’re independent and we owe no allegiance to a corporate owner, business advertisers or any funder.

rabble has big plans for the future and we need your help so we can get there. We want to do more in-depth and investigative journalism that will both dig to the bottom of issues and provide journalism that will help us choose the right and just course for Canada in the future. 

Will you help us build that future today and strengthen independent media by becoming a member of or, if you are already a member, by increasing your membership level?

By becoming a member of rabble you have the power to help strengthen the voice of independent media and the many communities that contribute to it. Help us reduce the corporate domination of media in our country. Your monthly donation of $5, $8 $15, $25, or $50 will help plan, grow and create a stronger voice for forward-thinking and progressive Canadians.

All members receive fantastic “thank you” gifts. With your membership of at least $60/year you can receive a free subscription (or two or even three!) to one of 16 leading independent magazines, including The New Internationalist, Mother Jones, Our Times, This Magazine, Herizons and many, many more as our “thank you” for your support.

PLUS sign up or upgrade your membership before July 31, and choose an extra special gift: we partnered with some of your favorite rabble rousers to offer you autographed copies of books by Maude Barlow, Monia Mazigh, Ann Wright and Susan Dixon, Judy Rebick, Lawrence Hill, Rawi Hage and Don Tapscott! There are even more benefits to membership. See for details, or sign up now at:

You can get your news and views all kinds of ways on rabble through our leading columnists, writers, podcasters, bloggers, video (including live broadcasts) and through our discussion board babble.  You can find rabble on twitter, second life, and youtube and subscribe to our rss feeds.  Soon we will be launching an “activist toolkit,” a special section of rabble that allows visitors to share online resources such as posters, guidebooks, workshop designs and other tools that community members use to make Canada a better place. 

Since our last membership drive we have launched our redesigned site, introduced many new writers and contributors, provided exclusive coverage on issues such as the federal coalition issue, the crises in Gaza, broadcast banned anti-war activist George Gallaway’s speech to Canada live, and we’re not done yet. 

We already provide you with access to highly-regarded journalists such as Linda McQuaig, Naomi Klein and American award-winning radio host Amy Goodman, plus a host of diverse writers, bloggers, podcasters, video makers and citizen journalists.   Now we need your support to develop and grow our writers pool and to provide the journalism that we all desperately need at all times — but particularly in times of economic crisis.

We are adding new podcasts, new bloggers, more videos and more live coverage of events.  We will be reporting more local issues and exploring more issues around the world.  In other words more news about more communities and more issues.  And we need your help to build

We hope you’ll support us with a monthly or annual membership so we’ll be better prepared to report the many stories out there that the mainstream media downplays or ignores as we build the future of media at  All membership levels receive great “thank you” gifts for their support of our non-profit independent media site and we make every dollar count.  Please join today. 


Kim Elliott            Duncan Cameron
Publisher             Associate Publisher

P.S: Want to know more about rabble? Please visit our “about us” section of our website:  You can read about different sections of the site, our supporters and how you can become involved with rabble.  You can also read the bios of our Board of Directors:  David Lundy, Diana Bronson, Diane Touchette, John Urquhart and Wayne MacPhail and the bios of our editorial advisory committee, and more!

P.P.S:Would you rather donate an amount of your choice rather than join? Please do! Visit to donate online.


Kim Elliott

Kim Elliott operated as publisher for between 2006-2023.