Dalton Camp, who died a year ago today, left a rich legacy — one that includes a strong critique of the Bush Administration and prescient words against Bush’s predilection for war.
Articles by Camp worth a second look:
We Can Learn a Thing or Two from U.S.
June 27, 2001
Despite the gloss of consumerism and the glitz, not fading, of the Nasdaq stock market, we live in uncertain times. Supporters — mostly American — of the Bush administration’s proposed anti-missile shield, base their support upon fear of unprovoked attack from “rogue” states, such as North Korea, Iran or Iraq. Much of the rest of the world does not feel similarly menaced.
Let’s Not March Until We See Who the Enemy Is
September 16, 2001
Before we saddle up and ride off in all directions in this “first war of the millennium,” I would like to report to Field Marshall Bush that I have cold feet. Mind you, I’m a representative of Canada’s fighting forces that are likely believed of little account in wars of retaliation, since we have been, since the last world war, largely into peacekeeping, allowing for Korea where we fought for the United Nations.
War No Reason to Ration Civil Rights
October 17, 2001
In one of my morning papers, I took note of novelist John le Carré’s heartfelt wish that politicians would stop praying for God’s blessings to fall upon them in their war. That the Diety is an interventionist force, on our side, seems to be taken for granted, at least in the Republican party. But evidence of such Divine aid is, to say the least, uneven. If God was with us in the two Great Wars, one must ask where He was when we needed Him in Vietnam. But it is obvious that the God who sees each sparrow fall does not answer every prayer or, put another way, that His answer will satisfy every supplicant.
History Confirms War a Futile Business
October 24, 2001
While our allied air forces continue the redistribution of the rubble in Kabul, the objectives and purposes of this “new war” become, like the dust rising from that battered city, more difficult to comprehend. Historically, there have been necessary wars and wars fought whether necessary or not. But it is a futile business, as history will confirm.