Are you one of the thousands of people who have visited over the first two weeks of this campaign?
With over 20 contributors from across the country, our rabble federal election blog is providing the best available progressive coverage of this election, with multi-media updates daily.
The blog is stirring things up and breaking stories! Blogger Scott Piatkowski was the first to report on an unflattering email from the Green Party as they searched for candidates, while Steven Staples exposed the disturbing connection between the mainstream media and the defence lobby.
Hereâe(TM)s a taste of some of the topical headlines and lively subjects the blog tackled in week #2 of the campaign:
Our bloggers include some of Canadaâe(TM)s most well known progressive voices, including teams of contributors from both the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
This week, weâe(TM)ve added bloggers from the great alternative publications Briarpatch Magazine and The Dominion. columnist Jessica Yee and the newly launched Department of Culture will be joining the fray this week.
And, if you aren’t there already, you too should join in and participate in the lively discussion. If youâe(TM)d like to have a print version of some of the coverage on the election blog, you can download, print and distribute the rabble rouser.
With election day just over three weeks away, a number of our bloggers are working weekends, so stay tuned for daily updates on the rabble election blog.