This year, has kept track of progressive politics an activism across North America. From Idle No More protests around the world and actions around municipal politics to demonstrations against the pipeline proposals criss-crossing Canada, we’ve done our best to represent that myriad voices and viewpoints that make up Canada’s progressive movements for social justice.
With the holidays upon us, staff took time to pick out some of the best of our coverage over the year. We kept the lists short so they are by no means comprehensive. There is much more to be found at so please feel free to browse and read and browse and listen and browse and watch, or browse and join the progressive movement in Canada in whatever way you can.
In the meantime, here are a few articles to keep you company over the holiday:
Best book reviews of 2013: It’s been a great year in the rabble book lounge! We’d like to celebrate by sharing some of our favourite original book reviews from 2013.
Worker pay is frightful, but profits are delightful: The holiday season is upon us! Hours of operations have been expanded, seasonal workers have been hired and retailers are making the big bucks. But at what cost does all this come?
Sauerkraut, homebrew and yarn bombs: 14 progressive books to gift this season: Recommendations for book gifts on anti-consumerism, DIY, homesteading and craftivism.
2013’s best in rabble columns: It was an eventful year in rabble columns, with insights and analysis from some of the leading progressive voices in Canada. We look back at the year in columns and highlight some of our top picks.
Why we shopped second hand: For the second year in a row, my dad’s side of the family committed to buying second hand, which meant combing thrift stores, vintage boutiques, flea markets and antique stores for the perfect gift.
Holiday gift guide: Trust us, you don’t have to be a craft expert to avoid consuming this holiday. Here are just a few of the many ways to keep your holiday gifting sustainable, ethical and economical.
2013’s best in rabble columns: It was an eventful year in rabble columns, with insights from some of the leading progressive voices in Canada. We look back at the year in columns and highlight some of the top picks.
2013’s best in Canadian politics blogs: What a year in Canadian politics! From the senate scandal(s) to Rob Ford, and more, here are some of rabble’s Canadian politics blogs that stood out this year.
The five top activist tools of 2013: Grassroots struggles have defined 2013; check out the tools activists have used to bring their message to the masses.
A number is never just a number: Year in review: Trish Hennessy creates her own version of Harper’s Index — Hennessy’s Index reviews the year that was in 2013, marking significant moments over the last 12 months for income inequality, indigenous rights and youth in Canada.
10 podcasts that you want to hear this holiday: This year the rabble podcast network talked to world-changers the world over. Check out some of this year’s best.
Rabble’s top Aboriginal and International blogs of 2013: From Elsipogtog to Idle No More’s one-year anniversary, from Thatcher to Mandela, here are the top Aboriginal and International Politics blogs of 2013.
Tough women and tough tactics: The best feminist and labour blogs of 2013: rabble hosts a plethora of powerful labour and feminist blogs; read some of our most hard-hitting pieces from 2013.
The top five labour stories in 2013: From the Canadian Senate to Bangladesh and back to Canadian retailers, the labour movement made headlines. H.G. Watson covered it all for Here are her top five stories from 2013.
Climate fury, lefty artists and higher learning: The top environment, arts and education blogs of 2013: From Big Oil, to the McRib, to activism on campus, rabble bloggers covered it all this year. Check out some of our best!
Top Parliament stories: asked Parliamentary correspondent Karl Neremberg to come up with ten articles he thought summed up his parliamentary coverage in 2013.