European Union Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht recently stated, “What was on the table (for the Canada-EU comprehensive economic and trade agreement) simply didn’t please me, so I didn’t make an agreement. They (Canada) need to make additional steps and, if not, there will not be an agreement. …What was on the table is not enough. Very simple.”
In response, Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow says, “Enough is enough. Clearly we are coming to the end of this road.” And trade campaigner Stuart Trew suggests, “Write the Prime Minister at [email protected] or send him a tweet @pmharper asking him, quite simply, to walk away from the Canada-EU trade negotiations. End the dance. This De Gucht character is too fussy and it was a bad deal to begin with.”
Globe and Mail reporter Barrie McKenna has noticed and tweeted, “Council of Canadians: ‘Enough is enough.’ Urges Ottawa to walk from CETA.”
More in Stuart Trew’s blog at or and our media statement at