Daron Letts: What do we know about homophobic hate crime in Canada?

Gilles Marchildon: The only specific information are the statistics gathered by the Vancouver police. They are one of the only police forces across the country that specifically identify hate crimes motivated by homophobia — or hatred based on sexual orientation. They have found that 62 per cent of crimes motivated by hate were motivated by hatred based on sexual orientation and we feel that’s a very telling correlation — that one of the areas not covered by hate propaganda legislation is the area where there is the most violence perpetrated against a minority.

It underlines the need to have hate propaganda legislation harmonized with hate crimes sentencing legislation, which already includes sexual orientation.

I think Bill C-250 would go a long way to addressing the discrimination that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people face because it would say very clearly that the willful inciting of hatred against LGBT people is not acceptable.

Letts: The religious right is prominent in its criticism of the legislation. What do you make of their position?

Marchildon: One thing to remember is that we’re not talking about a new law, weâe(TM)re just adding another ground to the current legislation. Members of the religious, conservative community, have suggested that this would somehow prevent them from quoting scripture. That’s really inaccurate. This isn’t about banning the Bible, it’s about preventing active inciting of hatred. There are all kinds of checks and balances built into the current hate propaganda law. Sincere expression of religious belief is a defense according to the law. If you’re pounding on the pulpit saying “homosexuality is wrong,” that would still be okay with this hate propaganda law. Where you would cross the line is where you say “let’s do something about it”. There you would be actively inciting people to go out and cause harm to homosexual people.

It’s quite unfortunate that many religious groups have misinformed the public about what this law is all about. I find it disingenuous that religious groups, who are currently protected under hate propaganda law, don’t have the generosity of spirit and intellectual rigour to want to extend that same protection to fellow Canadians.

We’re talking about the religious right — the ultra-conservative faiths — who adhere to a very narrow interpretation of the Bible and who are very much reactionary not only to the modification to hate propaganda legislation proposed by Svend Robinson, but they mix that in with equal marriage legislation — just to fan the fires of hatred, really.

Letts: Might the Bill have an influence on the ability of refugee claimants to Canada who face homophobic persecution in their home countries?

Marchildon: Certainly any acknowledgement by legislators that sexual orientation should be a protected ground, I think, might favourably influence refugees coming here seeking asylum from countries abroad where homosexuality is severely persecuted.

Letts: What is EGALE’s reaction to yesterdayâe(TM)s 137-132 Parliamentary vote that rejected the Canadian Alliance’s proposal to oppose same-sex marriage in principal?

Marchildon: Well, we’re relieved by the final outcome. The majority of MPs upheld the values of the Charter of Rights and equality for all, but we recognize that the motion was defeated by the narrowest of margins and that is cause for great concern. I think it’s a wake-up call, not only for members of the gay and lesbian community, but to all Canadians who value the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and who adhere to the idea that all Canadians should be treated equally under the law, as well. We can’t take for granted that Parliamentarians see the value in that. In coming months we all need to be active in making our voices heard.