Over the last four years, many rabble.ca readers have asked for a paper version of rabble and now it’s available! Hot off the press, you can be one of the first to purchase rabble’s brand new best of rabble.ca book only available at rabble reads for the low low price of $19.95.
Edited by Claudia de Simone and rabble.ca editor Sharon Fraser, with graphics by j. violet edwards and designed by chris cavanagh, the best of rabble.ca includes articles by your favourite rabble writers and on the subjects of interest to you.
The best of rabble.ca contains an excellent selection of articles and columns that have been published in rabble.ca over the past four years. From the protests against the FTAA in Quebec City to the massive anti-war demonstrations around the world; from the attack on the U.S. on September 11, 2001 to the attack on Iraq in 2003; from the U.S. to the Canadian elections, rabble.ca provided alternative perspectives on key world events. The best of rabble.ca brings that analysis back to you in a format you can keep and treasure.
From the World Social Forums to the Concordia protests, rabble.ca brought you developments from inside the movements for social change from the perspective of those making change. From food security to womenâe(TM)s issues, from global justice to the environment, the best of rabble.ca puts together a wide range of accessible analyses on the issues that matter to you.
The writers in best of rabble.ca are a who’s who of progressive journalism from across Canada including: Naomi Klein, J.B MacKinnon, Murray Dobbin, Heather Mallick, Byron Christopher, Judy Rebick, Jaggi Singh, Linda McQuaig, Rick Salutin, Penni Mitchell, Harry Glasbeek, Justin Podur and many others.
Best of all, the best of rabble.ca is a fundraiser for rabble.ca. Not only can you have many of the best articles of the last four years in one beautifully designed book but you can help support independent journalism at the same time.