As the Bush administration unveiled a publicly-financed plan to “save” mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, local residents at a town hall forum in Miami were calling for criminal prosecutions of the loan-shark mortgage brokers and investment firms that profited from poor people’s housing despair.
It would be hard to think of a better place to hold a public forum on the housing crisis and sustainable development than Overtown, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Miami, Florida. While Overtown is just minutes from downtown geographically-speaking, it’s worlds apart economically and culturally.
On Saturday, July 12, The Lyric Theater was host to the second of the five part nationally broadcast town hall series,
Miami is widely known as
And the Lyric Theater, once at the heart of what was called the âeoeBlack Broadway,âe is right where that edge cuts. Over-shadowed now, literally, by the vast condominium skyscrapers rising over downtown, the Lyric, founded in 1915 by a wealthy businessman (who was part of a large middle-class Black Miami community in the first half of the 20th century), was almost destroyed in the 1960s when developers built a highway through these parts. From “the Harlem of the South,” the area became, “Overtown,” a community the road drove over âe” and into destitution.
Today, the Lyric survives thanks to money from the local redevelopment council, but the neighbours are worried that “development” for others will steal the last land they’ve got.
“You can understand why gentrification’s a threat,” Denise Perry of Power U âe” a community empowerment project based in Overtown, one of the Live From Main Street panelists told me after the event. “In the 1960s developers had a choice whether to build the road near the water, nearer downtown, or smack through a thriving Black community âe” and they chose the last.”
The desolation of neighbourhoods is a pattern that has rippled across this country. But where is the national media’s coverage? Well, here’s a typical recent newspaper
This is exactly that sort of reporting that Live From Main Street puts into harsh relief. At the Lyric, tenant organizers, green builders, political advocacy groups and Miami residents (on the stage and off) got a chance to speak.
Latasha Jones, a tenant organizer in Liberty City and panelist, lives in an apartment with no hot water and leaks in her roof. The families she knows didn’t walk willingly into sub-prime mortgages. Miami currently has four people waiting for each of the city’s 10,000 units of public housing. Jones herself is on that waiting list.
âeoeI’ve spent about 13 years on the waiting list for public housing,” Jones told
Darin Woods, a financial advisor from Countrywide Home Loan, got an earful from his critics at LFMS where he appeared as a panelist, but, he concluded, “[Live from Main Street] is just the sort of forum we need more of.”
The presidential candidates are unlikely, ever, to talk about today’s housing crisis and sustainable development in a place like Overtown. “That’s why we’re here,” said Tracy Van Slyke, director of The Media Consortium, a network of some 45 national, independent media outlets, which is the producer of Live From Main Street. “Live From Main Street’s goal is to tell real stories from real people about the issues that effect their communities, and our country, during this election season. We’re cutting through political spin and horserace coverage.” Pooling resources (as the Consortium has, to make LFMS possible) and working together, independent media can bring national attention to places like Overtown, and put key issues into national context.
There will be more. LFMS is a five-part series, taking place in five states in five months in the run up to November. The first event occurred June 7 in Minneapolis. The next will be in Denver, at the start of the DNC. After that, the project goes to Columbus, Ohio, where the topic will be voting, and finally Seattle, where the producers are convening an allâe”female panel to talk about national security.
Live From Main Street is a production of the Media Consortium with This is a community-supported reporting project, made possible also with funding from the Wallace Global Fund and the Arca Foundation. To make a contribution, or get more information, go to
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