Here is Project Censored’s list of leading stories that didn’t lead for the year 2000. You can get Censored 2001 from the Project Censored Bookstore. In addition to 2000’s top censored stories, this twenty-fifth anniversary edition features an introduction by Noam Chomsky; a look back at a quarter century of censored news; an interview with Walter Cronkite; Laura Conaway and James Ridgeway’s “Democracy in Chains,” about the discrimination against black voters in Florida; a chapter on the history of Junk Food News by Project Censored founder Carl Jensen; and original essays by Eric Galatas, Robert A. Hackett, Edward S. Herman, Marrianne Manilov, and Norman Solomon.
- 1: World Bank and Multinational Corporations Seek to Privatize Water
- 2: OSHA Fails to Protect U.S. Workers
- 3: U.S. Army’s Psychological Operations Personnel Worked at CNN
- 4: Did the U.S. Deliberately Bomb the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade?
- 5: U.S. Taxpayers Underwrite Global Nuclear Power Plant Sales
- 6: International Report Blames U.S. and Others for Genocide in Rwanda
- 7: Independent Study Points to Dangers of Genetically Altered Foods
- 8: Drug Companies Influence Doctors and Health Organizations to Push Meds
- 9: EPA Plans to Disburse Toxic/Radioactive Wastes into Denver’s Sewage System
- 10: Silicon Valley Uses Immigrant Engineers to Keep Salaries Low
- 11: United Nations Corporate Partnerships – A Human Rights Peril
- 12: Cuba Leads the World in Organic Farming
- 13: The World Trade Organization is an Illegal Institution
- 14: Europe Holds Companies Environmentally Responsible, Despite U.S. Opposition
- 15: Gerber Uses the WTO to Suppress Laws that Promote Breastfeeding
- 16: Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific Bioweapens
- 17: IMF and World Bank Staff Tightly Connected to New Yugoslav Government
- 18: Indigenous People Challenge Private Ownership and Patenting of Life
- 19: U.S. Using Dangerous Fungus to Eradicate Coca Plants in Colombia
- 20: Disabled Most Likely to be Victims of Serious Crime
- 21: U.S Military Bombing Range Destroys Korean Village Life
- 22: U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research
- 23: Very Small Levels of Chemical Exposures Can be Dangerous
- 24: Pentagon Seeks Mega-Mergers Between International Arms Corporations
- 25: Community Activists Outsit McDonalds