“You Ask” invites news makers and leaders of social movements to answer questions that you ask.  rabbletv is utilizing the technology of Livestream — the most powerful live broadcast platform on the Internet. Follow the instructions below to submit your questions, and make sure to always check out the new guests at the bottom of this page.

How to submit your questions

By video (preferred):  Go to YouTube and sign up for an account. When you’ve signed in, there will be a yellow button in the upper right corner that says “Upload.”  Scroll over this button and click the “Record from Webcam” option that appears in a drop-down menu.

Allow YouTube to access your webcam, record your question, and then send the link of the video you created to [email protected]

By email: Send your question to [email protected]

Live: While watching the live broadcast of the interview, write up your question in the chat window that accompanies the Livestream player.

Upcoming guests:

Aug. 20: Mazen Masri, Mazen has served as legal advisor to the Negotiations Affairs Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). He holds a Bachelor of Law degree (LLB) from the Hebrew University and a Master of Law degree (LLM) from the University of Toronto and has worked in the legal field in both Israel and the West Bank. His current research interests include Israeli constitutional law and international law. Mazen is also a member of the Israeli Bar Association.  Masri will answer questions surrounding the Israeli occupation of Palestine, ready to engage in both his personal views and legal questions.