Two months ago we wrote to ask you to join the rabble:remix to help make self-sustaining. Many of you responded with tremendous generosity. We have raised $30,000 — more than three-quarters of the way to our goal. We have immortalized our rabble:remix founders. If your name is not there yet, we are making one last appeal for your support.
Thanks to the generosity of our readers, we are now planning the rabble:remix. We have already decided to launch a rabble market in February. Our market will, over time, become a town square for readers with stores, classifieds for buying and trading, a progressive jobs board and more. The rabble market will also feature links to progressive businesses where you can make purchases with a good conscience.
We are also planning other substantial additions to without taking away any of the features you’ve come to rely on. We’ll keep you posted as our plans develop.
So now we are making one last pitch for the rabble:remix. If you haven’t made your contribution yet or if you can find a little more to contribute, please help grow and become self-sustaining.
Please join us in our rabble:remix. Dig into your pocket or purse and help us as much as you can — and then find that little bit extra! In return, we’ll give you a gift to say thank you for your support and add your name to the rabble:remix founders — all that and a tax receipt!!