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rabble’s Not Rex contest is heating up and people are taking notice.  Please join in!  The contest has gotten attention from NOW magazine in Toronto to talk radio in Calgary to fans on the Not Rex Murphy Contest Facebook Group (check it out!). 

If you have had enough of Rex Murphy and his reactionary attacks on all the things that make Canada a great place to live join in the contest (or recommend to us someone you think would be great by emailing us at [email protected]).  The good news? is one of the first in Canada to be using YouTube Direct, which allows you to upload videos straight to our site (though we check them out before they go up). 

The contest winner will do the first three rabble commentaries — on the same night that Rex delivers his annoying and sanctimonious ravings — providing Canadians with critical insights, inspiration, vision and, most importantly, an antidote to The Rex.

Reflecting rabble’s distaste for reality TV and the American obsession with winners and losers, the remaining contestants may be given the opportunity to do commentaries as well. rabble reserves the right, post-contest, to add commentators as opportunities and clever, caring Canadians present themselves.

So we hope to see you  facebook and have you join the contest.