Just in case you’ve been out of the loop, here’s a friendly reminder about Opt’s 50th Anniversary and Gala Celebration! This event is a fundraiser for Options for Sexual Health celebrating half a century as B.C.’s largest non-profit provider of sexual health information and services.
With 2010 wrapping up quickly, this event is inching closer and closer and to make sure this fundraiser is a success, we need your help spreading the word…
The Facebook Event is up and running so if you haven’t done so already, tell us that you’re attending and be sure to invite all your friends too. If you have a blog or any other web presence, you can help us attract some more attention by putting up one of these buttons and linking to optionsforsexualhealth.org.
Tickets to the Opt Gala & Celebration are on sale now! With the holidays right around the corner, this is the perfect opportunity to pick up a last-minute gift for your significant other. Benefit Gala features champagne & light buffet for $150.00 $120.00 if you buy your ticket before January 1 and Celebration tickets can be purchased for $60.00.
Music, dancing girls & boys, fabulous food and frisky frivolous Valentine foreplay fun — both downstairs in the sexy lounge of Ginger62 (1219 Granville Street) and also upstairs in the Ramada where we’ll be showcasing more sexy events, happenings and wares, all on display in hotel rooms!
This is going to be an amazing event and we’re excited to see you there 🙂