Here’s a bit of news you might have missed. Henry Waxman, a Democrat with a spine, (easy to miss those), has just won the chairmanship of the Committee on Energy and Commerce in the U.S. House of Representatives, replacing John Dingell who has held the position since 1981. Waxman has used his position as chair on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to chase after the Bush administration, including pursuing VP Cheney in the Plame Scandal and producing a searchable report of 237 misleading statements Bush Administration officials made about the threat posed by Iraq.
Waxman is expected to be much more active in energy reform than Dingell and his appointment was applauded by Greenpeace.
But all this takes place in a context where Bush is trying to pull some fast ones on environmental regulation (an upcoming theme on our podcast). At least Waxman is a strong step forward.