Hey everyone – while I’m pressure that some of forgotten about the G20 demonstrations that struck on Toronto’s Streets late in June, 2010.
We had everything from a young woman getting arrested for blowing bubbles from those kids-toys and one popped on Constable Josephs’ while he was out on duty. “He did warn, “”If one of those bubbles touches me, it’s assault”
The arrests blew up in his face.
He arrested young, bubbly, Courtney Winkels. She was eventually released.
Josephs’ later sued for ridicule and launched a $1.2-million defamation lawsuit against YouTube for hosting the original video and the numerous cartoon videos that parodied the way Josephs’ reacted.
This is just one of the major SNAFU during the G20 demonstrations.
On closure, I received a message from people involved in the Class-Action Lawsuit with Sherry so here is its update.
According to this class-action lawsuit, The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has issued a formal order in the proposed class action relating to the June 2010 G20 summit, Good v Toronto Police Services Board. In particular, the Court has dismissed the action as against the Attorney General of Canada (“Canada”), Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario (“Ontario”), and the Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board (“Peel”). The lawsuit is still ongoing against the Toronto Police Services Board. For information about the ongoing lawsuit see http://www.g20classaction.ca.
The Court Order is available here: http://www.g20classaction.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Entered-Order-Re-Dismissal-Against-Canada-Ontario-Peel-March-17-2014.pdf.
Persons that have questions may contact the Plaintiff’s counsel via email at [email protected]
The Sherry Good G20 Class Action Team
For those individuals who speak french, Vous trouverez le message en français ci-dessous.
“Cette lettre a pour objet de vous informer des derniers développements du recours collectif G20.
La Cour supérieure de justice de l’Ontario a rendu une décision officielle concernant le recours collectif qui était proposé à la suite du Sommet du G20 en juin 2010, Good v Toronto Police Services Board.
En particulier, la Cour a rejeté la poursuite contre le Procureur général du Canada (« Canada »), Sa Majesté la Reine du chef de l’Ontario (« Ontario ») et la Commission des services policiers de la Municipalité régionale de Peel (« Peel »). L’instance contre la Commission des services policiers de Toronto est en cours. Pour en savoir davantage sur l’instance en cours, visitez http://www.g20classaction.ca.
La décision de la Cour est disponible ici: http://www.g20classaction.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Entered-Order-Re-Dismissal-Against-Canada-Ontario-Peel-March-17-2014.pdf.
Pour toute question, communiquez par courriel avec l’avocat du plaignant à l’adresse [email protected].
L’équipe du recours collectif Sherry Good G20 “