Hey everyone,
I am happy to announce the upcoming Toronto Pow Wow – yes, you heard me right all you Toronto-land-locked, no-car commuters – hosted by Native Child and Family Services.
Native Child and Family Services invites you to join us in celebrating The Ninth Moon of Creation Mdaamini Giizis (Corn Moon).
The 17th annual Pow Wow will be on Saturday September 27, 2014, at Dufferin Grove Park.
It will start off with a Sunrise ceremony at 6:00 am.
Registration begins at 11:00 am and all dancers are welcome.
Grand Entry is at 12:00 pm noon and the closing song will be at 5:00 pm.
Pat Green will be the MC for this year. The Host Drum is called Charging Horse. The Arena Director will be Lee Benson.
The pow wow is supported by the Children’s Aid Society and sponsored by Enbridge.
For more information please contact Kelly Hashemi 416-969-8510 ext. 3472 or email [email protected]