
Idle No More Vancouver Island Action on Friday

The Deets:

Friday December 21, 2012

12:00 pm noon PST

BC Legislature

Vancouver, BC


The Call Out:

We need help in gaining Enbridge pipeline opposition and the public to attend this rally – please invite as many people as you can!

We aren’t the only ones facing things like Bill C45 and FIPA. Oil interests are using Bi-lateral Investment Treaties such as FIPA to legally sue anyone who protests damaging tar sands developments around the world.

It’s called investor arbitration, and Osgood Law Professor Gus Van Harten let me know that this is what we are facing and that we aren’t the only ones.

Please see the following two links for more information:

Pressuring Harper won’t work.

Oil is a hot commodity, and is set to rise as oil reserves run out in 2030. So through investor arbitration, lawyers are making millions on enabling the destruction of the environment and suing all those who oppose it.

This is why we’ll never get a meeting – Doing so on Nation to Nation terms would require him to acknowledge our sovereignty, which would get in the way of powerful oil interests because of our Treaties.

Our Treaty right to consultation on land developments would stop these foreign interests that Canada has allowed into our country.

Ontario Chiefs sent a letter requesting a meeting with Harper Nov 5, 2012. They were denied. Now the deeper meaning behind Chief Spence’s recent actions becomes apparent.

If we understand this, and fight the REAL cause of Bill C45, we can set a new precedent, we may just be able to inspire resistances in other countries before we allow them to destroy the planet.


(As always, the “Call Outs” for my communiques are written by the community in question.)


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...