Take action to support KI! Call Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Mining and Northern Affairs.

Ontario is currently violating Native land rights and sacred burial sites by allowing gold mining company God’s Lake Resources to explore and prospect Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) sacred burial grounds WITHOUT consultation or consent.

Please call between 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. between now and Friday.

Ontario has devastatingly ignored Native land rights for TOO LONG. KI protects all life by resisting mining abuse on their traditional territory. Speak out to support KI! Call Bartolucci and demand that Ontario respect KI sacred burial sites and land rights NOW!

CALL NOW: 416-327-0633 – Ask for Rick Bartolucci (Minister of Mining and Northern Affairs) or leave a message.

You can also reach him directly at his constituency office: 705-675-1914


Phone Script:

List of demands and some points to mention:

– Demand that God s Lake Resources’ mining exploration project in the KI sacred landscape stop immediately.

– It is a disgrace that your government has recorded claims and allowed God’s Lake Resources to access KI territory near Sherman Lake even after your minister was notified of the presence of sacred burials in the area and after your government promised to build a new relationship with First Nations and the environment.

– Ontario must finally begin to respect Native land rights by recognizing and respecting KI’s Water Declaration and Consultation Protocol.

– Respect KI’s moratorium on all logging, mining exploration and industrial activity unless and until they have been agreed to through KI’s Consultation Protocol.

You can conclude by saying:

I will continue watching this situation closely, and I will continue to take action to ensure that KI’s Declaration and Protocol are recognized and respected by all governments and corporations.

Follow and be ready to support:


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...