Yesterday, 55.5 kilometres from the community at 5 p.m. the groovy yurt truck met another snowbank. This one wasn’t so easy to get towed out. When they say ice road, that is actually what it is.
We shovelled for two hours to clear the snow away. There were many attempts to pull it out with a truck and then a loader.
We enjoyed a great pasta dinner cooked by Yves while we waiting for larger equipment to show up. It was 3 a.m. before we were pulled out by a bulldozer.
We were escorted into Attawapiskat by the road superintent. There were times I worried about what kind of reception we would receive coming up north but those thoughts were quickly dispelled with our first encounters with the folks of Attawapiskat, and since our arrival it is great to be here.
This morning Yves and I were in discussions with the band office as to where to put the yurt. We want to make sure it is accessible to everyone.
Will write more soon.