The Deets:
Monday January 26, 2015
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Hart House Circle — University of Toronto
7 Hart House Circle
Toronto, Ontario
The Call Out:
On Monday the Conscious Activism Documentary Series will be doing a free screening of Canadian documentary feature from Alanis Obomsawin, “Trick or Treaty?”
This documentary premiered in 2014 and since has been shown at TIFF, Planet in Focus film festival as well as ImagineNative film festival this past fall in Toronto.
It explores the controversial history of Treaty No. 9 against the backdrop of recent Indigenous activism like Idle No More.
Being in Canada we are all treaty people; it is imperative to deepen knowledge on what this means, the history of colonialism and the present day dynamics of both marginalization and empowerment of Indigenous people in this country.
This event will be promoting Indigenous Education Week at U of T as well as Indigenous media and discourse in Canada
For more information, please see this link.