We have four days and $3,420 to meet our Karl fundraiser goal. That means if just 35 people put in $100 we go over the top to keep the important independent Parliamentary reporting of award-winning journalist Karl Nerenberg going. You can put us over the top right here.
What do you get for your $100? You’ll keep an important voice in the media available to all. You’ll read political stories of substance. You’ll get some cool stuff from rabble. At the $100 level of our campaign your perks include: an exclusive audio interview with Karl on the current state of Parliamentary politics, a Karl on Parl fridge magnet (stick it with pride!), an invitation to a Google hang-out with Karl, AND a Best of Karl on Parl book! Of course we offer perks for a wide range of donations. Check them out here.
Karl’s columns are a must-read for political news followers, as he consistently produces quality piece after quality piece. You donate knowing that Karl will deliver. If you want to see quality reporting on Harper, on the environment, on Indigenous issues, please support our campaign to keep Karl reporting.