Interview with Bob Wiseman, who has generously provided a theme song for rabble radio. Thanks Bob!

This week, Toronto is the host of the Marxism 2010 conference. Activists and thinkers from around the world will gather on the 28th of May to address some of the same issues that the G8/G20 is considering, but from a different angle. One of the speakers at the conference will be Kostas Katarahias, a member of the General Council of the Federation of Hospital Doctors Unions of Greece. I reached him by phone to talk about what he thinks should be done about his country’s current financial struggle. Check it out if you’re in Toronto on the weekend of the 28th. For more information about the Marxism 2010 conference, you can go to

Well, I bet you are all wondering what the lyrics to the new rabble radio theme song are? You’re about to find out. And if I were you, I’d get a pen. It always pays to be prepared. You never know when we’ll have a contest about this… maybe in episode 140, or then again, it could be in our next show. If you want to throw your comment into the ring, or share your thoughts about the new sound, you can always always call our skype number to comment. Here it is: (360) 566-2214. We also accept email [email protected].

When children are taken into the care of the state, they are often moved from home to home. The process is difficult for children, and for their parents, who may be petitioning to have their child returned to them. A recent complaint to the ombudsperson in B.C. addresses a complaint about a policy that makes it difficult for foster children to return to their parents. The rabble podcast network’s pivot legal podcast talked about the issue in their latest episode. Here is Lawyer Lobat Sandrashemi, discussing the complaint.

rabble radio

Hosted by Breanne Doyle, rabble radio is the flagship podcast of rabble breaks down the news of the day from a progressive lens.

rabble radio brings you closer to the stories that matter to you. If you’re curious about the latest news in Canadian politics, labour, environment, or social justice, you’ve come to the right place. This is news for the rest of us – free of corporate influence.