Happy Birthday to us!

Has it been 10 years of podcasting at rabble.ca already? Let the celebrations begin!

rabble.ca led the pack when it came to podcasting. In 2005, iTunes didn’t yet exist. There were no iPhones. It was truly the dark and silent ages.

But our visionary crew saw and heard great potential. Today as we begin our celebrations we talk about the original idea behind the podcast network.

Victoria Fenner, current rpn executive producer, talks to Meagan Perry, former exec of the rpn and now rabble.ca’s editor-in-chief, for some of the highlights.

Wayne MacPhail, The Podfather of the rabble podcast network, and director of emerging media for rabble.ca, talks about how it all got started.

Charlotte Scott, the first exec producer of the rpn takes us to Podfest in Ontario, California in 2005, where people were marvelling that there were 15,000 podcasts on the Internet. (Apple says there are now 250,000 podcasts in 100 different languages on iTunes)

A couple of Meagan’s faves.

Kevin Neish was detained in Israel for two days after the humanitarian ship Mavi Marmara, part of the Free Gaza Flotilla, was attacked and activists arrested. In this podcast he talks about his release and what activism means. From rabble radio 109.

The Queering of Alberta: Darrin Hagen is a ground-breaking drag artist and author of a book about the drag scene in Alberta called “The Edmonton Queen.” He is also a longtime producer for the Loud and Queer cabaret and writer of Queering the Way: an anthology from the Loud and Queer Cabaretrabble.ca’s Kaitlin McNabb called Darrin Hagen to talk about the book and some of the myths about queer culture in the place formerly known as Texas of the North. From rabble radio 137.

You are invited! Come join the rabble podcast network as a volunteer. We’re always looking for new podcast series, as well as people to do single interviews and recordings for our rabble programs rabble radio, rabble book lounge and Needs No Introduction. Email Victoria Fenner, the rabble podcast network’s executive producer, at victoria[at]rabble.ca. Help us build the next 10 years of progressive Canadian history in sound!


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rabble radio

Hosted by Breanne Doyle, rabble radio is the flagship podcast of rabble.ca. rabble breaks down the news of the day from a progressive lens.

rabble radio brings you closer to the stories that matter to you. If you’re curious about the latest news in Canadian politics, labour, environment, or social justice, you’ve come to the right place. This is news for the rest of us – free of corporate influence.