Kevin McGowan’s top music picks from last year.

Allison Crowe, with the song Angels.

Prudent Nsengiyumva takes us to Rwanda’s first school for the deaf to meet a student who is changing her life by studying there.

Norman Finklestein is an indendent academic. He writes on Israeli-Palestinian issues. His speech is called Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict: What we can learn from Ghandi. At one of his lectures he was asked to compare Barack Obama with Ghandi, which is when he told everyone that they should not believe the hype. His vociferous response was recorded from the crowd.

Keith Gottschalk might love Obama, but he’s been distracted. He’ll tell you all about it.

The Good Lovelies, with a song from their self-titled album. The song is Cheek to Cheek.

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