rabble.ca and the B.C. office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives co-hosted a standing-room only event at the Round House in Vancouver on August 12, 2014 to talk about some important questions as we approach the federal election in 2015. It was called Living Consciously: Reinventing Democracy to Save Canada. 

The evening’s discussion focused on the issue of “agency”: if our traditional institutions are failing us, who is going to lead the necessary struggles? What form would they take? If, as Murray Dobbin argues, “silo” approaches to politics no longer work, how do we create a broad-based social movement model? What is to be done?

Moderator: Duncan Cameron – rabble.ca president / Paola Qualizza (Groundswell)

Panel Discussion with Murray Dobbin, Iglika Ivanova (CCPA-BC), Fiona Rayher (Gen Why Media), Anjali Appadurai(climate justice activist) and Paola Qualizza (Groundswell) talking about how to “live consciously” and transform Canada,

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