On May 5, 2009, Ryerson University was host to a free screening of Us Now, a UK documentary about how the web enables people of all ages to participate in their communities. The event was organized by Volunteer Toronto.
02:36 The event began with words from Toronto Mayor David Miller on shift toward open governance in the City of Toronto (see Toronto.ca/open), and on Twitter. Mayor Miller is introduced by Andy Strote, President of the Board of Directors, Volunteer Toronto.
15:40 Following the film screening, author Don Tapscott shared his observations about the film, society and technology, and the global shifts in the economy and institutions, as we know them.
This was followed by panel disucussion on the role of technology in community engagement with Toronto’s social innovation and non-profit organizations, moderated by Volunteer Toronto’s Celina Agaton.
Allyson Hewitt, Director of Social Entrepreneurship, MaRS Discovery District; Christine Cooper, Executive Director, Family Assoc. for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME); Mark Surman, Executive Director, Mozilla Foundation; Mark Kuznicki, Principal, Remarkk and Co-organizer of ChangeCamp
38:08 Marco Campana, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)
Conversation continues, including questions and comments from the audience.