January 11, 2013
Judy Rebick and Grand Chief Stewart Phillip on Idle No More
Derrick O’Keefe interviews activist, Judy Rebick and Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs about Idle No More actions across Canada.
A series of speeches and lectures from the finest minds of our time. Fresh ideas from speakers of note.
Derrick O’Keefe interviews activist, Judy Rebick and Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs about Idle No More actions across Canada.
Jeff Perera talks about how the White Ribbon campaign aims to break the silence around gender violence with boys and men.
Community feminist organizer Steph Guthrie explains how online harassment is affecting women online.
Mike Layton speaks about his involvement stopping gender violence in his ward and with the White Ribbon Campaign.
Deb Singh complicates how the culture of violence uses language to oppress women’s experiences.
Tony Loeffen of Election Fallout interviews Murray Dobbin about his suggestion that we nationalize the oil industry
Clayton Thomas-Muller spoke about the political context of PowerShift 2012.
Tso’Tine-Gwich’in youth Keira-Dawn Kolson spoke about the effect “resource development” has on her people.
Joshua Kahn Russell spoke about the intersections between racial justice and climate justice at Powershift.
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois spoke in French at Powershift’s kick off in Gatineau, Quebec.
On October 26, Melina Laboucan-Massimo spoke at Powershift about being an indigenous environmentalist.
Sheila North Wilson is a former CBC journalist and indigenous advocate working with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.