
Over the next two weeks bloggers and staff will be sharing their experiences from Vancouver including the anti-Olympics resistance actions and alternative events. You can find it all at

Look to rabble blogs for coverage by Whistler-based blogger Pina Belperio; Vancouver-based writers and activists Am Johal and Chris Shaw; student bloggers on Campus Notes, bloggers from the Council of Canadians and rabble staff. Next week, Mara Kardas-Nelson will be blogging from inside one of Pivot’s Red Tents.

Plus, don’t miss rabbletv videos and our photos on Flickr. Find all of our Olympics coverage and a roundup of the best in alternative coverage at our Olympics page.

If you’re one of the many Canadians who’ve travelled to Vancouver to resist the Olympics, we want to see your photos from the city over the next week! We’re looking for a wide variety of shots that show your experience of citizen actions here in Vancouver. Find our Flickr “ 2010 Olympics” group or e-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll showcase some of the best here on!

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