Fracking Action North (FAN) is a coalition of NWT organizations, including Alternatives North, Ecology North, the NWT Chapter Council of Canadians, Canadian Physicians for the Environment, and individuals/citizens who are concerned that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the NWT is proceeding without a full and transparent consideration of all of the health, social, environmental and economic costs and benefits.
FAN invites all NWT residents to learn more about fracking, and the potential costs and benefits of this technology. Please browse our information and resources for links to many scientific journals and peer-reviewed articles on the impacts of fracking on human health, water quality and quantity, air quality and social and community well-being.
Coalition Members – Please take the time to visit each of our supporting groups.
Fracking Action North
Ecology North
Alternatives North
Council of Canadians: NWT Chapter
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Rally Against Fracking in the NWT
Fracking Action North Rally Against Fracking in the NWT video