Prostitutes of Ottawa/Gatineau Work, Educate and Resist (POWER) authored a great tool called an “expanded toolkit for service providers” who work with sex workers. But this guide provides a wealth of information for anyone not so knowledgeable about the sex trade or the legal realities for sex workers (particularly in Ontario).
The Toolkit also contains lots of advice for service providers who don’t have personal experience in the sex trade – it debunks common myths, details common challenges for sex workers, and highlights the legal environment and proposed changes to legislation.
Other materials included in this resource:
-timeline of sex work in Canada
-challenges for sex workers
-Aboriginal, male, trans, migrant sex workers
-intersecting issues (drug use, poverty, criminalization)
-guidelines for media, individuals in the justice system, policy makers, etc. working with sex workers
-building strong communities inclusive and respectful of sex workers