We’re coming up to the end of our 2014 supporter drive. Hundreds of you have donated and signed up to be monthly supporters: huge thanks to those of you who have already pledged!
If you haven’t been able to give yet, there is still time to donate. This may very well be our last monthly supporter drive before the next federal election, so no time is more important to support independent, social-justice-focused media. It is key to pulling the plug on Harper, and determining Canada’s path after the next federal election.
You might think you know rabble.ca, but do you? Here are 13 facts that might just shed a little light on the way we work, and why you might want to forgo one coffee per week and invest those funds in rabble.
1. Surprise! Activism works: Victory is ours! rabble.ca takes on some heavy stuff, as you read in 15-plus new pieces published each day, but we also gather up the news of social justice wins. Check out our Feel Good Friday articles here.
2. rabble’s people work alone, but never cry lonely tears: We work online. We live all across the country. We rarely meet, but we chat online all day everyday. Note to selves: ask parents for holiday Skype credit gift.
3. rabble.ca is like Game of Thrones for progressives: No, that’s not true at all but we do put together some impressive can’t-stop-reading material: in the last 6 months, rabble has produced special series on everything from the Canadian labour movement, to tracking Canada’s big business money, to radical activism, to the good times in Harperland. Our issues pages take on Indigenous activism, politics and anti-war efforts among others. We want to have more special coverage and your donation can help us fund this goal!
4. rabble is non-profit media: You’d be surprised to know the number of independent media that are actually privately owned. rabble is a registered non-profit and we depend on your support. You know where to go.
5. #oldisthenewyoung: We’ve been around for 13 human years, which is approximately 400,000 Internet years, and makes us the longest-surviving progressive online media in Canada. But you know we’ve still got it. rabble.ca has been at the forefront of reporting on progressive activism and issues. Read it here before the likes of the Globe and Mail realize it is big news: Occupy? You heard it here first. Maple Spring? You heard it here first. Idle No More? You heard it here first. SlutWalk? Resistance against Line 9 and Northern Gateway pipelines? You get the idea.
6. Full-time? Not us! Not one of rabble’s team is on staff full-time at rabble.ca, and it’s not because we’re lazy! rabble has a dedicated team of part-time workers who give their all to bring you the news and views that matter. rabble.ca is reader-funded (hey, did we mention it’s supporter drive time and you can head to rabble.ca/donate?)
7. We <3 feminism: rabble.ca is the only national online news publication that is feminist-founded and woman-led: first wave, second wave, third wave, rabble. Judy Rebick is rabble’s founder and one of Canada’s leading feminists, and feminist ideas come to rabble.ca to debate, thrive, grow and change. It’s been happening here since 2001. Here’s hoping that some of the people who send those mistaken “Dear Mr. …” emails to our publisher are reading this.
8. rabble is unapologetically progressive: While others may buy into the narrative of “unbiased” media, at rabble we know that is BS. We wear our bias on our masthead, and promise to provide balanced coverage from a progressive perspective that doesn’t repeat the dominant (biased) narratives you’ll read in corporate media.
9. rabble is transparent and accountable: At rabble we work with a tiny budget, and we make every dollar count. We decided nearly a decade ago to make public annual reports for our readers and donors.
10. You are our favourite: We reach up 450,000 (unique visitors) of you a month. It’s great to see you here! We love hearing from readers. Seriously. love. it. We love it so much, we created the op-ed blog “The Views Expressed” where readers can submit their thoughts. Got an idea? Send us a submission. We promise to read it!
11. We were first: rabble.ca hosted the first curated progressive podcast network in Canada. Built on open-source technology, we were a first online news source (SGNews opened a few months earlier). We started the first labour beat intern position in Canada to build expertise in labour reporting across the country. We were the host to the first, early form, of social media: our moderated chat room for progressives called babble (before Twitter, before Facebook, there was babble. Hey, has anyone checked on those progressives lately? How are you all doing in there?
12. We want to be part of your daily news and views diet: Some of Canada’s most innovative and radical thinkers write for rabble.ca: Harsha Walia, Linda McQuaig, Nora Loreto, Krystalline Kraus. All that content is available for free here at rabble.ca, thanks to the folks who send us a few dollars a month. You want to be one of them? Go to rabble.ca/donate.
13. Other progressive organizations are our BFFs: We LOVE to work with other organizations to sponsor events, organize events, provide editorial support or just plain hang out (digitally, that is). We love being part of the independent, social justice community, and we’d like to stay here, please. 🙂
We started our annual supporter drive a few weeks ago with the goal of getting 300 new monthly supporters at $5/month. We need a mere 30 more to reach our goal by the end of the day on July 12. With your help, we can meet that goal, and you can take us over the top!
BONUS: We partnered with This Magazine to offer a great “thank-you” gift — a free print magazine subscription if you sign up by July 12!