Photo: Tony Webster/flickr

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Nowhere is the keen interest in the upcoming federal election more pronounced than it is on’s discussion board, babble. For this election only we’ve created a special forum — Election 2015 — for all things related to this October’s federal election. Now that the writ has dropped, babble is busier than ever!

Whether you want to rock the vote or smash the vote, you’re going to find some fairly diverse opinions. Here is a lively discussion on the First Nations’ vote — should a sovereign First Nation be voting in a process that is an inherently colonial construct? You’ll be surprised and informed by what you read.

Along similar lines, the Smash the Vote Campaign thread opens with a quote from anarchafeminist Emma Goldman: “If voting changed anything it would be illegal.” Agree? Disagree? You’ll find both sides of the conversation well and passionately represented.

Do attack ads really work, or do they just as often backfire in favour of their target? Join the discussion here and see for yourself.

Since earlier this year (February to be exact) a discussion about federal leaders’ debates has been ongoing. Should Elizabeth May be included? Would a leaders’ debate be fair without the Greens’ leader? Read about it here.

And of course it wouldn’t be an election without polling results and our latest polling thread keeps abreast with the constantly changing numbers. Whether you’re blue, orange, red or green you’ll be informed of the latest numbers and what babblers think they mean.

So wherever your election 2015 interests lie, babble is the place to go to read the thoughts and opinions of rabble readers and contributors. You too can be a contributor by posting your views on babble, where voices of Canadian progressives and, well, those not so much, vent, opine and debate.

Photo: Tony Webster/flickr

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Meg Borthwick

Meg Borthwick (aka Rebecca West) is a babble moderator and has been a member of since 2001. She has a decorative liberal arts degree in Quoting Chaucer at Dinner Parties (English/Drama double...