consult this

Consult this, KPMG! Rally and Public Deputations on City Services

The deets:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
333 Bay Street,
Toronto ON

The Call Out:

What right do rich, paid private consultants have to decide what public services our communities in Toronto should or should not have?

KPMG is a private consulting firm that was hired by the City of Toronto and paid millions of dollars to do a completely subjective review of all of Toronto’s public services. KPMG is currently releasing their 8 final reports detailing service by service what they think could be cut, changed or con…tracted out. These reports will be used to identify nearly $800 million dollars worth of cuts to services that Ford wants to push through at the end of September.

KPMG has taken their ‘vision’ of devastated Toronto public services to City Hall, and now we will take our vision of the kind of Toronto we want straight to them!

KPMG has a long and ugly multi-national track record in advising governments on how to privatize and impose poverty and misery on people. Join the Toronto Stop the Cuts Network on Thursday, July 21st as we tell KPMG that their role is not welcome here and is being challenged!

Public services, those who rely upon them, and those workers who deliver them, are NOT gravy! We demand that services be improved instead of obliterated. Services our communities receive should be delivered by workers who are paid living wages. If revenue is to be found, why not look at the bloated police budget and tax breaks for corporations.


Please endorse this action by emailing [email protected].

Please check out the info below for future actions.

Get involved in organizing in your neighbourhood.

Parkdale: [email protected]
Downtown East (Dundas-Sherbourne): [email protected]
Jane and Finch: [email protected]
Scarborough: [email protected]
Riverdale and Leslieville: [email protected]
Davenport-Perth: [email protected]

We encourage people in other parts of the city to do the People’s Poll (, hold neighborhood meetings, identify cuts in your community, participate in mass meetings and mobilizations in September.

Contact: [email protected] for support.


The plan to stop Ford cuts

Since June, we’ve attended information sessions, filled out city surveys, and done deputations about Rob Ford’s plan to cut crucial public services. The response to these consultations has been clear: Torontonians want to keep our services, even if that means increasing property taxes (see Core Services Review Public Consultation) – but don’t expect Ford and his corporate buddies pay the public’s wishes any mind. They are too busy making money selling off our City’s assets.

The people of this City have been busy too. We’ve done our own People’s Polls ( and our own community meetings to decide what kind of Toronto we want to build.

Sep 10, 2011 Toronto Mass Meeting

1:00 p.m.

Dufferin Grove Park,


On Sep 19, Ford and his friends are going to meet to decide what they think Toronto should look like. We are inviting people from across Toronto to organize in their neighbourhoods, in small groups, as organizations, and as Union locals and come out to this mass meeting a week before to issue a People’s Declaration for Toronto.

Sep 26 & 27: Stop Ford Cuts
City Hall

On Sep 26 & 27, City Hall intends to vote on the Executive Committee and Special Committee recommendations. We intend to stop them. Unless we see a clear commitment from the majority of City Hall to support the People’s Declaration, we will have no choice but to call for protests against Ford and City Hall.



I would to thank everyone for their patience as I have had to take some time off due to a family emergency. I’m getting back into the swing of things now. Thanks. Miigwetch.

Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...