
Rob Ford Can’t Crack a Break

There is truth to the adage that, “with friends like these, who needs enemies.

Or at least friends that can spell.

 A pro-Ford billboard has popped up in his home turf of Etobicoke on Friday. It can be viewed north of the Gardiner, near Islington Avenue, visible to eastbound traffic on the expressway. On the other side of the rotating billboard is an ad for cheese.

Two things are worth mentioning here, as Rob Ford has apparently the weekend off to deal with personal matters – nevermind the serious time it takes to combat addiction, Rob apparently just needs the weekend to relax. It’s not like the Brother’s Ford have to run off to do their non-cancelled NewsTalk 1010 on air program.

The first issue is that the author of that billboard did not gain the rights to showcase the logo of the city of Toronto no the word Toronto in in-house font without permission.

In the billboard, the addition of these logos and fonts does give the air of official nature and responsibility.

Now we get to the good stuff: Ford = Responsibility

Or, as the billboard puts it: Ford = Fiscal Responsiblity

See it yet? Let’s break the last word down.

R E S P O N S I B L I T Y 

Catch it yet?

I wonder which member of Ford Nation took on the responsiblity to erect this fine billboard evidence on why Rob Ford should still be major.

With friends like these, who needs enemies.  


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...