Stop the cuts and fight poverty – Solidarity Against Austerity rally and march Friday
The Deets:
Friday March 16, 2012
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Start at Ministry of Housing, College & Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
*I’ll be covering the event live for rabble through Twitter @krystalline_k
The Call Out:
Fwd: Toronto Stop the Cuts calls on friends and allies to join us at the FIGHT POVERTY AND DEMAND: A LIVING INCOME! HOUSING! QUALITY PUBLIC SERVICES FOR ALL! organized by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty at 12pm on Friday, March 16, 2012 at College and Bay outside of the Ministry of Housing.
Toronto Stop the Cuts Network has many neighbourhood groups that have been organizing across the city. The Toronto budget was only one step in a long journey, which will include continued struggles at municipal, provincial and federal levels.
OCAP has organized this rally on March 16th and Toronto Stop the Cuts has happily endorsed and invites everyone to join us at this action! (See all details below and see you on March 16th!) We are fighting against austerity and we must continue to fight against at all levels!
OCAP facebook event:
-Solidarity Against Austerity-
Friday, March 16, 2012
Rally and March
Meet at College St and Bay St, Toronto (Outside the Ministry of Housing)
*Free Meal (provided by members of the Ontario Nurses Association)
*ASL-English at the Rally
*Closest accessible transit station is Queen’s Park
Join the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) and allies for a march and rally on Friday, March 16th, in the lead up to the 2012 Provincial Budget.
The McGuinty government has hired former head of the TD bank, Don Drummond, to propose and provide the basis for massive social cutbacks in their 2012 budget. It is being drafted as the Provincial component of the austerity agenda that is gathering force across Canada and internationally. City Hall, Queen`s Park and Ottawa are delivering austerity, but clearly it is being cooked-up on Bay Street by bankers like= Drummond to the benefit of their rich friends.
We have to stop the cuts and fight for what poor and working people need!
For poor people and workers in this province, it has been a constant state of crisis. McGuinty is now preparing to make this situation much worse.
On March 16, we will be rallying at an Ontario Government location but taking our march to Toronto`s financial centre where the real decisions are being made by and for the ‘1%’.
We will be marching to oppose austerity measures but also to demand the reversing of previous cutbacks, the right to a living income, the right to affordable and accessible housing, and for good quality public services for all! We will be marching against the kind of society Drummond and the rich are creating, and for one that meets the needs and improves the lives
of all of us!
Endorsing Organizations: Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario, Aids Action Now, Barrio Nuevo, BASICS Community News, Bread & Bricks Davenport West Social Justice Group, CUPE Local 1281, CUPE 4308, CUPE 4600, CUPE Toronto District Council, Disability Action Movement Now, Educators for Peace and Justice, Greater Toronto Worker’s Assembly, Health Providers Against Poverty, Health for All, Jane-Finch Action Against Poverty, Kingston Coalition Against Poverty, Medical Reform Group, No One Is Illegal, Ontario Association of Interval and Transitional Houses, OCCUPY Toronto, Ontario Council of Hospital Unions, Ontario Network of Injured Workers, Ontario Nurses Association, Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee (CUPE Ontario), OPSEU Local 525, Poverty Makes Us Sick (KW), Rhythms of Resistance, Sistering, Students for Medicare, Toronto Stop the Cuts, Under Pressure Ottawa, Workers Action Centre, and growing!
-Organize a contingent: bring a group of people from your organization, neighbourhood, city or union local to this demonstration – bring your demands
-Drum out Drummond: bring drums, noise makers, pots and pans. Rhythms of Resistance will also be there to start us off on the march
-Join the CHILDCARE NOW contingent of parents, caregivers and kids
-Organize a group of students or a ‘kids block’ to be a part of the day as part of March Break
-Banners, flags and signs: Organize a ‘banner making day’ in your area, bring your banners to the march
-Help fund a bus, food, transit tokens, ASL, and materials for the day: if you or your organization or union local can make donations of money or
in-kind, please help us make this day as participatory and accessible as possible
-Build the movement: add your organization’s to the list of endorsers for this day of action
-Get the word out: help us get the message out about this day of action, download the poster and flyer at, forward this announcement far and wide, contact us if you would like to help with postering, flyering, etc.
Don’t want to come alone? Need transit tokens or a bus to get in to downtown? Join one of these many groups meeting up ahead of time and coming together…
In T.O:
Jane and Finch: 1st stop: Yorkgate Mall at the ‘no frills’ entrance at 11am , 2nd stop: 35 Shoreham Drive [A senior centre about 5 or 6 minutes away]
Downtown East: Join the Downtown East Stop the Cuts, meeting at the corner of Dundas and Sherbourne at 11am with tokens
**We will also soon be posting info for groups coming from: Weston-Lawrence/Mt.Dennis, Davenport-Perth, Bloor and Dovercourt and Parkdale
From Out of Town:
Pick up in Hamilton: CUPE 5167 office, 818 King St East at 9 am Departing Toronto to arrive back in Hamilton at the 5167 office for 4 pm.
Pick up from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough: please call 613 328 1938 for a ride
**Vans are also coming from Ottawa, Sudbury and Kitchener
GET IN TOUCH: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-925-6939
Facebook: OCAP
Twitter: @OCAPtoronto #maketherichpay