The tactic is referred to as “casseroles” in case you were curious about that hashtag on Twitter and activists in Toronto are asking that all allies to the Maple Spring bring their pots and pans to Dundas Square tonight at 8:00 pm to show tandem solidarity with Montreal’s pots and pans protests.
“The pots-and-pans protest has its roots in Chile, where people have used it for years as an effective, peaceful tool to express civil disobedience. The noisy cacerolazo tradition actually predates the Pinochet regime in Chile, but has endured there and spread to other countries as a method of showing popular defiance.”
Now prevalent in Montreal during its nightly 8:00 pm demonstrations, activists in Toronto are taking up the call.
The Deets:
Pots and Pans Everywhere: Solidarity With Quebec
8:00 pm
Yonge and Dundas Square
For more information, please click here.
The Call Out:
“The people of Quebec are banging their pots and pans every night at 8:00 to show support for those who protest austerity, government corruption, and Bill 78. Join us with your pots and pans and make your voice heard in Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Quebec.
If you are not in Toronto, organize your own pots and pans meetup!!”
Quebec students and their allies have been on strike for more than 100 days.
According to Open File Montreal, “the Montreal police have made 1,589 arrests so far in connection with the Quebec student strike, according to figures provided by their media relations team.The strike is now in its 103rd day, with over half the arrests made in the last five days, as new legislation has prompted police to crack down harder on protestors.”
You can read some solid background articles about the student strike by rabble writers:
Night march magic: Quebec people’s movement takes over the streets
Spread the red square everywhere: Why solidarity with Quebec students is crucial
Solidarity in the streets: An interview with Judith Butler
Occupy Toronto is proud to be working in partnership with Ontario students who wish to bring the ideals of the Maple Spring here to Toronto. You can read about the partnership and the first joint march here: Activist Communiqué: Occupy Toronto to march in solidarity with the Quebec student strike
Toronto’s next march in support of the Maple Spring will be June 5th at 6:00 pm starting at Hart House (U of T). For more information, please see the Ontario Students Mobilization Coalition (OSMC) facebook page.
*On Twitter, please use the hashtag #Maplespread to report on cross-country solidarity events. Other important hashtags are #ggi #Manifencours #studentstrike
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