Former Senator Patrick Brazeau Keeps His Shame Face On
Oh my my my my, it seems that Patrick Brazeau – the former Canadian Senate seat holder and Prime Minister’s Indigenous Conservative – has got himself arrested again.
The disgraced former senator found himself on the wrong side of the law again in Gatineau on Monday October 13, 2014, for alcohol related offences.
Brazeau was arrested for failing a breathalyzer test. You see, he was found sitting in the driver’s side of a parked car in the afternoon on Monday. After police cars made a few passes around his car before they finally went in to investigate and found him smelling strongly of alcohol.
He was arrested and taken to the police station where he failed another form of the test. He was also found to be in the possession of a knife, which was in his car, which Brazeau was not allowed to possess.
Keep in mind Brazeau has been in trouble for a while now, even earning himself the title of Worst Canadian Senator in the World back in 2012 by The Canadian Progressive.
Brazeau has had a troubled history with the Canadian government – and I’m not even talking about his boxing fight loss with now-leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
Brazeau (39) is an Algonquin from the Kitigan Zibi reserve near Maniwaki (a town north of Gatineau, Quebec).
After working for Indigenous institution such as the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) when he joined in 2001, then was elected vice-chief in April 2005, then as acting national chief from February 2006 until his election later in November of the same year. Other Indigenous groups he was a part of include a member of CAP’s affiliate, Alliance Autochtone du Quebec Inc. also known as the Native Alliance of Quebec, or the AAQ or NAQ.
Brazeau was heavily criticized by politicians and in the media for his intention to accept a government seat in the Senate while concurrently remaining national chief of the CAP. This would amount to him collecting two publicly funded, six-figure salaries. After much public pressure, he subsequently resigning as CAP chief.
He also got into trouble for his residency claims while in office. You see, Brazeau used Daryl Tenasco’s (his ex-wife’s father in law – without the knowledge) at Kitigan Zibi, Quebec, for the purpose of obtaining an aboriginal income tax exemption from 2004 to 2008; thus misleading Ottawa to where his primary residence was.
But the troubles were far from over for Brazeau as he was eventually expelled from the Conservative caucus with much fanfare following his February 7, 2013, arrest for domestic assault and sexual assault. The trial is slated to start late March, 2015.
After his most current arrest on Monday October 13, 2014, the former senator is set to attend a rehabilitation facility in Sherbrooke, Que. for two months, Crown attorney Sylvain Petitclerc said.
He is stated to remain in rehab until December 8, 2014, the date of his next court appearance.