The Deets:
Friday May 1, 2015
4:00 pm
Dundas Square – Yonge and Dundas Square
Toronto, Ontario
The Call Out:
#RejectFear and make your voice heard in a demonstration at the largest public square in Toronto before marching together at approximately 4:30 to the May Day rally at Nathan Phillips Square.
Know Justice, Know Peace, NO Secret Police!
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
4pm #StopC51 Rally and March, Dundas Square
5pm May Day Rally at Nathan Phillips Square
6pm March to St. James Park
8pm 48hr Vigil for The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Update! This Rally and March will meet the May Day Rally at Nathan Phillips Square and then march together to St. James Park where there will be music and food. At 8 PM awe will begin a 48 HOUR #StopC51 VIGIL for The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, please consider participating in the 48 hour vigil for as long or as little time that you are able.
The proposed legislation Bill C-51 would clearly allow for the violation of Charter Rights, facilitate spying on innocent Canadians, and create a secret police force with little oversight or accountability.
This bill disproportionately targets indigenous communities, environmental activists, dissidents, and Muslims, many of whom are already subjected to questionable and overreaching powers by security officials. This bill will make it easier and ostensibly lawful for government to continue infringing upon the rights of peaceful people.
C-51 is reckless, irresponsible and ineffective.
We are calling on the government to withdraw the legislation.
We are calling on everyone to do what they can to bring attention to this governments attempt to compromise privacy for false security, while promoting a culture of fear and racism.
Read The Bill:
Please send a message to your MP, share this event, and join us on May Day!
“May Day unites people’s struggles for self-determination and liberation. We continue this tradition in 2015, rallying and marching against colonial and capitalist attacks on our communities here and Canadian imperialism’s plunder and attacks on peoples across the world.”
The Toronto Coalition to Stop C-51 is endorsed by; – À l’Action
Youth Vote Canada
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association
The Law Union of Ontario
Action for Civil Liberties – A4CL
Idle No More Toronto
COMER – Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform
Citizens Engaging Democracy, Newmarket-Aurora
Millions Against Monsanto Toronto
Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL)
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAMAW)
Occupy Canada
Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
Greater Toronto Area Council (PSAC)
LIFT (Low Income Families Together)
Centre for Social Justice
Network for the Elimination of Police Violence
Greenpeace Canada
Elementary Teachers of Toronto
Common Frontiers
Amnesty International Canada
The Zeitgeist Movement Toronto Chapter
The Council of Canadians